
Hey, guys! I'm back with two new chapters of Criminality almost ready; they should, hopefully, be up before the end of the month! =D


I'm feeling better than I was a few days ago, guys, though Criminality (http://www.wattpad.com/story/9641106-criminality or 29238723) is now DEFINITELY on hold. Unfortunately, I'm away from home without the copies of the novel to work on, and it will be this way for the majority of the school holidays (Jan 28, 2014), so I won't be able to work on, and thus upload, any new content on Criminality. I will get back to work as soon as I am home, though, and will post up my edit of Chapter Three: Alive as soon as it has been read over by my 'editor' (Dad), and I've gotten his feedback on it, which will then have it as ready to upload. Thanks for your understanding! =)


Hey, guys. Just to let you know, my current novel, Criminality (http://www.wattpad.com/story/9641106-criminality or 29238723 if your using your mobile device), is sort-of on hold for the moment; I'm busy worrying about a loved one at the moment, and focusing on writing is not within my current capabilities. I'm going to try to get Chapter Four finished so that you can all read it, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to. =( Hopefully, things will straighten themselves out in the next couple of months and I'll be able to focus on the novel again, but, currently, that's not happening.
          Sorry, guys. Thanks for understanding.


How do you guys cheer yourselves up when everything is so bad you just want to fall asleep forever? I'm struggling with some stuff going on with a loved one at the moment, and I'm really not sure how to deal with it; I've always struggled to find ways to cheer myself up when I'm feeling down, but the past couple of days have been pretty bad for me... What works best for you?


@ladyfire01 I've been listening to music and things, but it's not really helping, unfortunately... I'm trying so hard not to let the bad things get to me, but it's not working; I'm not sleeping very well, I'm not eating properly, and I'm trying not to go into my 'shell' (I pull myself away from everyone and everything so I can't get hurt anymore) because that makes me seem cold and heartless and cruel, which I don't want to be like... I try absolutely everything I can to cheer myself up, but I can't.


I know how you feel...I've gone through it rather recently as well. I usually just listen to music (my preference-metal, as in FFDP) and it sometimes helps. People often say 'talk to a close friend about it', but it matters what your friends are like. When you get in a borderline depressed mood, it's really hard to pull yourself back up into the light. Just find a way to vent, whether it be confessing everything to someone you trust or mumbling to yourself and crying when your alone. I give my condolences and best wishes for you.