Sorry for not updating on my book ive been having a very emotionally stressful time as of late and I'm struggling a bit but I'll try and get back up and running as soon as possible!
Sorry for not updating on my book ive been having a very emotionally stressful time as of late and I'm struggling a bit but I'll try and get back up and running as soon as possible!
Tomorrow Morning im going to to make a final change and include all types of recipes in my recipe book, FINALLY setting in stone what this book is and make my own personal ddlg book, and after this make no other big changes again unless neccessary or a better cover is made and i wanna use that. thank you for bearing my whiplash changes from milk to drinks to this once again i apologize
I was thinking of making a another book maybe one about snack recipes, cake and dessert recipes or just one about cgl, ddlg, my own little book about that but im not sure