
So as it turns out. I'm scraping the street dancer  completely. I'm not happy with it and the story isn't working for me anymore. Maybe ill revisit the possibility of rewriting this later just not at the moment, I have no where to take this anymore, I thought of an ending but eh. I'll be uploading a different book that I actually have an idea of where it's going to go and how I'll take it there, I'm really sorry to those of you who actually enjoyed reading street dancer but like I said the story just isn't working out for me anymore.


So as it turns out. I'm scraping the street dancer  completely. I'm not happy with it and the story isn't working for me anymore. Maybe ill revisit the possibility of rewriting this later just not at the moment, I have no where to take this anymore, I thought of an ending but eh. I'll be uploading a different book that I actually have an idea of where it's going to go and how I'll take it there, I'm really sorry to those of you who actually enjoyed reading street dancer but like I said the story just isn't working out for me anymore.