
A thousand words they fill my head
          	Picking apart piece by piece
          	No longer is there any silence
          	A thousand words cloud my sleep
          	Tearing, ripping, biting deep
          	Memories of days long past
          	Death is waiting never fading
          	What gave joy has turned to ash
          	I seek and never find again
          	Any long past merriment
          	It whispers to me in the dark
          	Stumbling to find, never finding
          	I am lost, but never wandered
          	I stand in place as each pass by
          	Memories of days gone by
          	Never to see again
          	Never to hear again
          	Never to be with me again
          	Pages turning
          	What is of old has turned to smoke
          	Slipped through my fingers
          	Into the dust.


A thousand words they fill my head
          Picking apart piece by piece
          No longer is there any silence
          A thousand words cloud my sleep
          Tearing, ripping, biting deep
          Memories of days long past
          Death is waiting never fading
          What gave joy has turned to ash
          I seek and never find again
          Any long past merriment
          It whispers to me in the dark
          Stumbling to find, never finding
          I am lost, but never wandered
          I stand in place as each pass by
          Memories of days gone by
          Never to see again
          Never to hear again
          Never to be with me again
          Pages turning
          What is of old has turned to smoke
          Slipped through my fingers
          Into the dust.


Life Pt.2
          Standing in a crowd
          But drifting in the air
          Watching time go by
          From above the stairs
          Staring through a doorway
          As the world spins on
          People talk and pages turn
          But I’m alone in this room
          I’m drifting, drifting away
          Drowning in a sea of people
          Empty faces staring blankly 
          I know all but know none
          They say my name as friend
          But no matter how much I speak
          That is all they know
          Waves crashing over me
          Driving me under, sinking
          In an ocean of voices
          They crest like white water
          Pulling me deeper
          Down into my mind
          Emotions tug on my heart
          They stay distant – faint


          *spots a wild pikachu*
          *shocked pikachu face*
          Come here my pikachuuuuuu
          I be naming thou Sherlock Holmes
          *gasp* DETECTIVE PIKACHU
          oh no 
          dun dun DUNNNN *dramatic music*
          I have set loose a wild detective on the world
          *gotta catch 'em all*
          *throws pokeball at wild detective pikachu*


PSA to everyone: please report the book "sound soul" by @thecircleofcrazy
          It has @evil-bat-cat 's characters in it, he did not give permission
          It also has me and my friend in it, which makes us EXTREMELY uncomfortable
          We asked the person to take it down, they did years ago, only to reupload it on a difference account.