
I’m alive guys! Dw. More chapters will arrive (eventually)


*sigh* I wish this was a better note, but it’s not
          At my school, it’s scary. Theres reportedly gonna be a shooter today. Idk when or who but there was an email from the principal and texts going out and I’m scared
          So, if I don’t make another announcement today or tomorrow, assume…well, assume I died. 
          My fic should I die will be up for adoption. Just wanted to say sorry if I can’t finish it. U guys are such a kind community to me and I love u guys
          I’ll try to survive, maybe if the guy is right next to my fake dead body I attack, but I’m gonna try to live
          But…I’m scared. I don’t want to die. I don’t wanna leave you all or my family behind. I wanna grow up more and write and live.
          Please don’t let me die.
          Jack out


I didn’t have a choice and was forced to go but I’m alive!


@Jackman2357 pls don't die and if your feeling unsafe maybe don't go to school if that's an option. I'm sorry that you have to go through this good luck and pls try not to die


@ Jackman2357  I wish you good luck. I'm sorry I don't know what to say. You won't die! 


It’s my birthday yesterday! On the 15th lol
          Ughhhhhh got projects and stuff to work on but I have found a way to be able to write more!


Happy Halloween my fanfic gremlins! 
          Hope you have a nice and spooOoO000ooO0oOky night! I’m gonna go and do my 6 assignments due tomorrow now! *laughs maniacally but it turns to sobbing*
          Anyway! Hope u have fun and I can’t wait to see the vengeance saga stream!


I just watched the wild robot and...
          no one word can describe my feelings for this movie or what I feel or what this movie is. Love? Happy? Safe? Bittersweet? Caring? Idk. I just want to go to my mom and my family and tell how much I love them.
          but...I feel happy. like, actually happy and safe. I feel a peace and joy and love so strong I want to try. I had forgotten what happy felt like...
          i totally reccomend watching this movie, especially if ur sad or depressed. its weird but I just feel...Happy again. finally happy. just go watch it rn.
          thank you Peter Brown and Chris Sanders for reminding me of joy again.


this message may be offensive
Guys please I need ur help just anyone please.
          On Ao3 I got a message from a friend saying he’s thinking of killing himself and I’m so scared and worried and sad and angry at myself and worthless and shaking and sick and lightheaded and crying and terrified what do I do?
          This is what he said
          Um hi it’s just me, I really need to rant a bit right now and well I have no where to go so anyways you probably won't even read this anyway haha. If you do I just want to ask you how hot stop thinking about death? I usually just distract myself but this time I just can’t.
          It’s school break and I’m in another country I will start school again next week and I’m terrified and stressed. I failed an exam and my parents will kill me, I’m scared of getting back there and being laughed at and having to defend myself or just disappear in my thoughts, I also feel really bad because I will see my uncle soon and I still have nightmares of the time he said that lgbt people should be burned down (I heard you also dreamed of being burned alive, it’s really not fun right?) I gained weight and they won’t stop speaking about it and I’m trembling so hard right now I think I might pass out. I’m stopping myself from crying and I really feel like killing myself some day soon even if I don’t want to think that. This is useless I’m sorry I will still post it in case I have any answers but fuck im scared and idk what to do…”


the best thing you can do at the moment is be there for your friend, message them and try your best to distract them and hopefully take their mind off it. play an online game with them, text them, call them even. whatever you can do to distract them would be enough 


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