
Hello friends and fellow writers.
          	I know I've been gone for a very long time, and havnt well...written much or updated what I had already started.
          	My apologies are in order I'd say...but hey, I had another baby! And she is healthy and whole. I need to get out of my depression though, and writing has helped so I have picked it back up. Hopefully for good this time.
          	I love you all and thank you for understanding .


@JackyMim your mental and physical health is priority. Congrats on the news bugger. 
          	  Looking forward to City Bound when you’re feeling up to it


Hello friends and fellow writers.
          I know I've been gone for a very long time, and havnt well...written much or updated what I had already started.
          My apologies are in order I'd say...but hey, I had another baby! And she is healthy and whole. I need to get out of my depression though, and writing has helped so I have picked it back up. Hopefully for good this time.
          I love you all and thank you for understanding .


@JackyMim your mental and physical health is priority. Congrats on the news bugger. 
            Looking forward to City Bound when you’re feeling up to it


Thank you for voting on My First Kiss (and Other Summer Disasters), I’m very grateful! :)


@Monrosey I seriously felt as if I had lost a friend. She reminded me so much of my own BFF. There is no doubt that people will enjoy it. You stuck with reality and the issues we face each day. Your writing was impeccable. I'll say it again. Loved it!


@JackyMim eep, thank you! It was difficult writing it at times because I knew what was going to happen and I’m so thrilled people are enjoying it! :)


@Monrosey No thank you for writing such a story! I truly loved it. I will be coming back to read it again in the future :))