
Hello Muchies!
          	After a long time finishing up a few books, I've decided to focus on 'Deputy Omega' for the foreseeable future. I'm also writing a new book to get back into the writing craze that has died up over the last few months.


@ JacobStoneWriter  Thanks, I like your book very much!


Is the reason you havent updated Deputy Omega in a while because you’ve been busy getting your other books ready for self publishing? Just curious!


  I'm  looking forward to it


Yeah. I've been editing both of the books for publishing. I will continue Deputy Omega since I'm done with both books.


Hello, munchies!
          Sorry for being silent for the last couple of weeks, but life's getting a little bit messy and it's forced me to make changes. I'm sorry to inform all of you that I have to remove the last 15 chapters of 'A sundered soul' and then 'Defiance: A hybrid's tale.' I've been cleaning up the books and I'm going the self-publishing road with them. I need a bit of extra income from my writing. Don't worry. Not all of the books are going down, but I have no choice in the matter. You can read the books until I'm finished editing them.


            Please keep us updated when they are published. I would love to own a copy.


Hi, Muchies!
          Since the Watty's has been announced, I've decided to enter 'A Sundered Soul', but in order to do so, I have a question. Most of the winners from last year had incredible covers, so I was wondering if any of the readers would point me in the right direction in how to create a new cover for my book. I'm not the best in them, and I need all the help to stand a chance at reaching the shortlist.
          So if anyone has an idea, then let me know. Thanks for the help.