
Chapters 26 & 27 have been posted on PaTreon for early access. 
          	After chapter 27th's heartstopping ending, chapter 28 will continue with Emiliano's point of view. Hopefully, you all will get another refreshing viewpoint of Caleb's mysterious mate. 
          	What will happen when Emiliano returns to the Scarlet Woods to meet his mate for the second time? Will it be a happy reunion or a hair-raising one?


Chapters 26 & 27 have been posted on PaTreon for early access. 
          After chapter 27th's heartstopping ending, chapter 28 will continue with Emiliano's point of view. Hopefully, you all will get another refreshing viewpoint of Caleb's mysterious mate. 
          What will happen when Emiliano returns to the Scarlet Woods to meet his mate for the second time? Will it be a happy reunion or a hair-raising one?


Hi Munchies!
          I had a shitty week so far. Our country, once again, implemented rolling blackouts because the government is incompetent as they come. This disruption has thrown my writing schedule into disarray. I'll still post the next two chapters of DOAYS tomorrow for wattpad, but My PaTreon members will have to wait another few days. For this, I'll make up for the delay by publishing four chapters at the end of the week for early access on PaTreon.
          I'm truly sorry for the delay, but the wait will be worth it. Happy reading!


@nero1841 Yeah, governments will never admit that they're doing a p*ss poor job at delivering basic services to their people.


@JacobStoneWriter Rolling blackouts suck. We have them in Queensland as well. Not that the government calls them that.


Love your story deputy Omega at you service, it leaves me wanting more. I end up re-reading it again. Also it leaves me reeling for the audacity of his family to see his point of view. And can we please get a chapter in Emilianos point of view or others


@Samjack15 Emiliano's point of view will likely appear at chapter 28/29.


Hi Munchies!
          Deputy Omega's chapters 22 & 23 have been posted. For those who want early access to chapters 24 & 25 they're available on PaTreon.
          Also, the first fourteen chapters of Defiance: The Hybrid's Tale have been reposted on my site. 
          And there's also a book that I've written called 'The Pendergast Chronicles' that has been released. [The first three chapters]
          Happy Reading!


Hello Munhies!
          I've an update that might sadden you, but I had to make a hard choice and stick with it. I've created a Patreon account and have decided to publish my work on that site. I have no idea if my works are save on Wattpad since I've read that other authors' profiles were deleted for no apparent reason and they lost their works, but also I have to make an extra income from my work. It doesn't mean I won't continue publishing my works, but you'll have to wait longer for chapters to be published. I've already published the next two chapters of DOAYS on Patreon for early reading, but will realise the chapters on Wattpad a week or two later. I'm also publishing A Sundered Soul and Defiance: The Hybrid's tale on Patreon and creating new books that won't be available on any other platform than Patreon. 
          If any of you are interested in becoming members on Patreon, my link is: patreon.com/user?u=51308804. I hope with all my heart you'll support me, if not then it isn't the end of the world.
          Sorry again, but I have no choice.


@JacobStoneWriter Have found your Patreon and have just become a member. Hope all goes well.


@JacobStoneWriter woohoo! Done. And congrats :)


@JacobStoneWriter can u put a link in your profile


Sorry for the long delay. I had to sort out the mess when my laptop decided to join the garbage dump. Trying to retrieve all the backup data was a b*tch to sort out. Hopefully, I'll be able to publish the twentieth chapter before the weekend's up.


@JacobStoneWriter thank you for the long awaited update!


Caleb:[grumbling] "Merry freaking Christmas from your resident runaway omega and his annoyingly cheery former best friend who insists on decking every hall in existence. Because nothing says 'holiday cheer' like dragging up repressed pack trauma and putting it under the tree."  
          Justin:[grinning and snapping a picture] "Come on, Caleb. That’s the Christmas spirit! Smile for the card."  
          Caleb: [shooting him a glare] "This is my smile." [snark laced heavily in his tone] "Nothing screams joy like obligatory greetings, fake smiles, and glitter. Lots of glitter. Why are we using glitter on the cards?"  
          Justin: "It’s festive!"  
          Caleb: [sipping his hot chocolate with unnecessary drama] "It’s obnoxious. Like the Scarlet Woods' pack parties... but on paper. Are you sure we don’t want to add an apology note to their wolves for me ruining everyone’s lives? Seems on brand for them."  
          Justin: "How about something snappy instead? Like, ‘Peace on Earth and to all a good night… unless you’re on Caleb’s bad side.’"  
          Caleb: [snickering] "Ooh, how about this: ‘From our pack to yours… except yours smells terrible.’ Too mean?"  
          Justin: "Way too mean. Let’s just keep it simple: Merry Christmas from the people who will absolutely out-sass any other holiday card you receive this year."  
          Caleb: "Add: And P.S. We kept the glitter to a minimum just for you."  
          Justin:[laughing as he clicks a picture of Caleb mid-eye roll] "Done. That’s the one."  
          [The card caption, ultimately written below a cozy-yet-snarky photo of the two of them in front of the tree, reads:]  
          "Happy Holidays from Caleb & Justin. Wishing you all the joy of the season and none of the drama of your pack meetings. Glitter is optional. Love and sarcasm mandatory."


@JacobStoneWriter hi! Good evening, just became a fan of Caleb,please take ur time(no rush).I know u will bring out the best update .Take care of yourself, Bye 


@IshikaShah7 I'm currently writing them. I will have them published at the end of the weekend.


@JacobStoneWriter dude when are you going to update it's been so long


Hi, Munchies!
          I'm sorry, but my week has been rough, and I didn't get to write. The extended family came to visit, taking up most of my time, but now that they're gone, I can continue. Just give me a shout-out to what book I should continue with.


@JacobStoneWriter If you have enough time, bound by sacrifice would be also great


@JacobStoneWriter While I love Deputy Omega, your other books are just as great. To tell the truth I would be happy with any of your stories.


So, If I solely focus on Deputy Omega, for now, I can punch out more chapters and then focus on the other two later on. Or do you all want me to focus on the other books as well?