
Hey guys, been a while again, but got something fun planned, dunno how long it’ll take but I hope you guys will like it 


Wow is has been a while huh? I do plan on getting back to writing eventually, but life is a jerk and I’ve been busy with other stuff. I do plan on continuing eventually though. Was even thinking of restarting Spiral Twirl as a fresh start so maybe look forward to that. Hope you all are well!


Hello, another update, a not so good one.
          I won’t call out who, but I’ve been having a friendship issue with someone really dear to me, which is making progress on the story harder due to sadness and lack of motivation. I’m trying my hardest to get this out though, hopefully before the end of the year. Sorry for the kinda depressing update, just needed an explanation. Enjoy your day/night all!


Hey guys, Jacob here. Just a quick update, since school started a bit ago I haven’t had much time to work on Our Suite Smiles. But it is almost done, so expect it around I wanna say before Halloween. Anyways that’s all I wanted to say, enjoy the rest of your day!