
hi i havent updated the darkest night in a long time but I promise I'll finish it eventually. But I am starting a new story called The Spectacular Spider-Man that is going to tell the story of Peter Parker 9 months after he was bit by the radioactive spider that's pretty much all i have to say for now bye


hi i havent updated the darkest night in a long time but I promise I'll finish it eventually. But I am starting a new story called The Spectacular Spider-Man that is going to tell the story of Peter Parker 9 months after he was bit by the radioactive spider that's pretty much all i have to say for now bye


Tons of updates! First, I wanna tell you that my friend @TylerTimeyLord is creating a new story called Power. And I'm the main character (yeet). Second, Gotham Knight. Two more chapters and it's over. After that, we have one last book and my Batman trilogy is over which is pretty cool that I got a full trilogy written, although short. There is also a new, more fitting Gotham Knight cover. The last novel in the trilogy is something I'm developing now. The Darkest Knight. It's gonna get crazy so yeah look forward to that and keep voting for sotb and Gotham knight!


Hey guys. I posted the second chapter of the Shadow of The Bat sequel, Gotham Knight. The first two chapters are developed from the Batman trade Death in the Family and the animated movie Under the Red Hood. Enjoy the first two chapters. Chapter 3 picks up at a completely different place with Harvey Dent. Thanks


I deleted all stories that I was working on except for SOTB. I am really focusing on finishing it and it should (hopefully) be done before Friday. This weekend is SDCC so I won't be updating but next week I'm strictly working on editing and tweeting SOTB. Once it's fully edited, I will start the sequel, which is unnamed for now.