
Hey guys! I’m back and working on another book. Hopefully it turns out the way I want it to


You peeps probably don't care but today was the first day back in school so updates won't be happening much. Oh! Also a sequel for one of the books is coming out! Guess which book! I think I released one chapter already! Go find it in my books! Luv You! 


Giveaway- Entry's close next weekend (on Saturday) and you guys have until October 20th to submit your story's! If you try to enter past next Saturday you will get a message like this.
          'I'm sorry but the deadline was October 14th. I can enter you into next months giveaway if you would like.' 
          If you say no the the message will be like this.
          'Thank you for your time and writing books.'
          If you say yes your message will be like this.
          'Thank you for entering into next months giveaway. Good luck!'
          Please join guys/gals! It will mean the most to me. Thanks


Giveaway- The winner will be able to select any book of their choice and I will give it to them they also get a book dedicated to them and can join me on this profile if they wan! As for the people in second and third place they will be able to pick out any book as well.