
If you struggle to write on you story read it again, find a way to get the inspiration back. It wil help to read ather peoples books. Find there ideas and make it you own do not kopy it rearrange or rewrite it to fit into your idea . You can find inspiration in your every day life like the way the clouds look to find the athmosphere of your story or to find the place were it plays of. The best way to regain you inspiration is to find reason why you writing the story, its sometimes a way to exspres yourself. It wil help to find your inspiration in athers or there words. Music and films wil sometimes help find your inspiration to write a book. 


If you struggle to write on you story read it again, find a way to get the inspiration back. It wil help to read ather peoples books. Find there ideas and make it you own do not kopy it rearrange or rewrite it to fit into your idea . You can find inspiration in your every day life like the way the clouds look to find the athmosphere of your story or to find the place were it plays of. The best way to regain you inspiration is to find reason why you writing the story, its sometimes a way to exspres yourself. It wil help to find your inspiration in athers or there words. Music and films wil sometimes help find your inspiration to write a book. 


As jy sukkel om te skryf aan jou story lees dit weer vind ń manier om die inspirasie weer te . Dit help om ander se boeke te lees hulle idees te vind en dit jou eie te moet dit nie kopie nie herranskil of herskryf dit om by joune in te pas . Jy kan insperasie in jou aller daagse lewe vind soos bv, die wolke die manier hoe dit lyk kan dalk vir jou ń idee gee vir die boek se atmosfeer of plek waar alles afspeel. Die beste manier is om weer jou inspirasie te die ,rede hoekom jy die boek skryf , dit is soms maar net ń mannier om jouself uit te beeld of jou gevoelens neer te sit in niets anders as jou lewe. Dit help soms om jou insperasie in ander te kry of hulle woorde of die manier hoe hulle die lewe ervaar en sien.  musik of vlieks is ook soms ń insperasie vir ń boek .