So I'm going to write a book for y'all Chapter one The love of a kid one day ther was this kid and his mom was inside.the kid was playing outside .And the kid was just minding his own beness and this guy walk to him .and siad hi what are you doing and the kid siad y r you over here and he said do you want a price of candy little boy and the boy said no so then the man toke the boy and said you are coming with me and he toke him to his house and his mom was looking for him ever where and so then she went to the police station and then the police went looking for him to and it was about a day or to and the man got caught and toke to jail and the boy went back to his moms house . Chapter 2. The rappest It was about to years latter and the man had got out of jail and he had got a van that was like a rappeat van and he went looking for some kids and it was about to be dark and he had only toke 8 kids and he was still out looking and he started to head home and he had picked up one of his friends to help and they went to his house and