
For those looking for updates on my books, I want to apologise. I've just been feeling kinda lost since this whole Covid thing started, but my creative juices are back so hopefully there might be some updates in the near future!


For those looking for updates on my books, I want to apologise. I've just been feeling kinda lost since this whole Covid thing started, but my creative juices are back so hopefully there might be some updates in the near future!


Hey, guys, I know it's been too long but I've been busy with school and what not. But I'm back and if you haven't already noticed I have started republishing chapters in one of my books, and there will be more of that to come along with new chapters and books. But there is one sad thing, I won't be able to publish anything for the next 2 days due to me going on a camp and well you might have guessed it, no internet. So I guess I'll be publishing after that has finished, I'll see all you beautiful people soon enough, bye bye for now!


I am sorry to all my readers reading my Genos X Reader, for I didn't update over the weekend. Something came up over the weekend which prevented me from being able to write my chapters. Next weekend will be the same for I have exams that week, but after that it should be all good, and hopefully for all my Laxus and Daryl readers I'll be posting chapters for those soon. Anyway, that's all for now!