
Just Once More (book 2 in the Just Once Series) has now been re-uploaded. Sorry for the delay, my health hasn't been the best! 
          	Hope you all enjoy. Please vote and comment!!!




Hi Jade! LOVE your work! Especially the Just Once series. May I ask if you plan to re-add the second book (Cole and Talin’s story) and when we can read a chapter for Rhys and Summer? We love your work and would love to read more 


@FOREVER_INNOCENT Currently re-adding now, be up within the week!


Hi, for anyone looked for Just Once More (Book 2) someone (whose name i won't share as I've better respect for people) decided to unfairly report the story. The story has trigger warnings and is age restricted, or it did. After this person decided to report my story for their own reasons, Wattpad instantly removed it without further evidence or examination, I wasn't contacted or offered any information other than to be told my entire story had been removed and deleted, all comments, votes and reads, gone. 
          As you can all likely understand, I'm heartbroken by this unfair decision and I'm currently waiting on a reply from Wattpad staff, but I will be opening an account elsewhere and uploading my story on that server as soon as possible (any recommendations of reading platform with better equality for writers is welcome!) 
          I'll also keep you all updated with any stories and news on my Instagram account so please head over via the link and follow me. I could really use the support of my readers and fellow writers right now. 
          P.S I'm sorry if this message seems harsh, I'm really upset right now and heartbroken this has happened. I try to always make sure all my work posted for you all has the necessary information, trigger warnings, etc and I work hard to keep up to date with any new polices Wattpad issues. I try to always be fair and honest, but right now, I'm so disappointed, embarrassed, angry and hurt this has happened because someone felt the need to report my story without justification.
          Thanks guys. 
          I'm sorry the story isn't available right now. Please feel free to DM me either on here or if you'd like a faster reply via instragram.


@TheWritersCove Currently re-posting it as we speak. It'll be up within the week!


@mitridad Currently re-posting, should be up within the week (I decided to edit it a little before re-adding it so taken a while longer).


Did you ever repost the story?


Hi! We hope you continue writing because we love to read more of your stories :)


@TortsFOREVS Thank you! I am, slowly. had a bit of a set back last year when a story got reported (when it shouldn't have) and the entire work got deleted by wattpad before they reviewed it. So taken me a while to get my confidence back to post. But I've been editing the work that was removed last year and will be re-adding that up soon, then I hope to continue writing book 3 in the Just Once More series <3


Grvymubtymung I looked for just once more for three hours, I forgot to put in my rreading list and didnt remember the name but I dreamed ab the book last night and had to read it again, I love this boookkk


@brbabe Aww thank you! It got removed by wattpad last year because of an online bully that was harassing me. They reported the work and Wattpad didn't review or ask me, they just deleted the entire thing. But i'm in the process or editing slightly and it should be reposted in the next week!!