
As a white, very privileged European woman, I will never understand what it’s like to be discriminated, hated, treated differently and hurt because of the color of my skin. As a white, very privileged woman, I will never understand what it’s like to be scared to die if a cop sees me walking down the street or driving my own car. As a white, very privileged woman, I will never understand what it feels like to be scared that one of my parents or one of my relatives will be killed because of the color of their skin. I will NEVER understand what it feels like to be the victim of this inhumanity BUT I will always stand and fight for justice. I will always try to listen and learn more, like I have been doing these past few days. I will try to go against racist people, no matter who they are, because it’s not enough to be not racist anymore. I promise I will talk back, try to educate them. We are all the same, there are no races but the HUMAN RACE and I find it so surreal that it’s 2020 and there are still millions of people that don’t see this. But enough is enough, let’s put a stop to this insanity, to this inhumanity, to this injustice, to this violence.
          	Check this link to find out ways to help: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co
          	Please, at least sign the petitions, it’ll only take a few minutes but it could make a change. TOGETHER WR CAN ACTUALLY CHANGE THE WORLD. IT’S TIME TO END THIS MADNESS!


@JadeLor4 I know I'm super late... But this is beautiful, xx