So, if you have been watching my page, you may have noticed a sudden drop in stories on my page. Well that's because I'm cleaning inventory!
When I came to this sight, it was 2014ish, I was in sophomore year of highschool about 15 or 16 years old. I really was bad at writing and sticking with books, still somewhat am. But I noticed now, nearing my birthday of 21 years old (This Wednesday on the 22nd if your wondering) that I have too many books, some of which were made when I joined or a year after. And I am NEVER going to.
A. Update them
and B. Notice they exist
Also alot of them were unpublished as I think they were great ideas, but needed some special attention. Heaven Under Hell being one and Shadow's Fate. (Sorry Little and Bloxie)
But I decided to clean house and delete though I don't care about, and unpublished ones I do care about and want to rewrite when I have more time. Being I have one degree left to go, homework due the 1st of next month, and work problems, my scheduled is a bit... rough at the moment.
But, soon, I'll update two stories I am looking forward too, "Isle Klub Ice" and "Gods and Men" (Both of which I really want to finish.)
Just thought I'd let you guys know so I don't get swarmed with PM's asking what happened to ____ Book. Though I probably still will.
Anywho, I hope many of you guys have a wonderful Summer Vacation, and thanks for staying with me thus far! (And tolerating my bad proof reading/Grammer.)