Dear Readers,
Hello lovelies! It's been a while! I haven't posted much nor have I been very active online, and for that I must apologize. I know many of you have been very patiently waiting for new updates, and some have also expressed worries that some of my stories have been discontinued. Don't fret, none of my stories have been abandoned! I am very proud of how they have grown and am so excited to see them through the end with you all.
So, with that said, allow me to address the news you've all been waiting for. Back in March of 2021 I went through one of my most popular stories, My War Is Over, and gave it a huge makeover. It was received really well, and I'm excited to share with you that I will, once again, be doing something similar. Such as last time, nothing crucial to the plot will be removed, and most of the key scenes will remain the same. However, I've had a new vision for this fic that I really believe will make into a much stronger story. The point of MWIO has always been to address mental health in a realistic way, and although I have done that somewhat, I know I can do better. I really feel like I've pushed on some things and haven't respected the natural flow of events like I should have. So, I'm fixing it!
But what does this mean for you? You have all been waiting so long for an update, so please do not be discouraged by this. Yes, it will take some time to go through and reconstruct this story, but not very much time. Over the next week I will be editing and polishing the final draft of My War Is Over. I will post an announcement before I officially make any changes, but within the next week the existing chapters will be reformatted and new content will replace the old.
Long story short, expect a new update by the end of next week!
But that is not all! I want to share with you some of what you should be expecting to see, so please stay tuned for my next announcement where I will discuss what happens next.
xx, Jade.