
I was so glad I'm wearing my glasses. It saved my eyes. A lot of hot oil splattered on it. 


this message may be offensive
I got a dream earlier. An inspiration I'd called it.
          So, it went like this.
                  It was night and I was alone in my house. My mom and sister's out. I can hear helicopters flying and searching all around.  They're searching for childrens out at night. If the children was found out for being outside at night, they would be taken away by the military.
                           I was chilling watching the TV, then I heard something outside my bedroom window. A kid is outside at night. Precisely, my kid sister! Shit.  And she's with the neighbor's kid. This can't get much worse. I can hear the helicopters. I called my sister to get inside the house. She immediately turned to run but tripped on a gravel and injured herself. And to make it worse? She started crying. Very loudly. Screaming even. The boy with her started  shushing her but she's not listening. She only cried louder.  The helicopter's too close now. They're alerted to her location. The lights are nearing her. They shone over both of them. My heart stopped.  I immediately  ran out of my house to take both of them inside. I was dreading for this I knew she wouldn't listen when I said if she want to sleepover, she has to stay inside. 
                   I opened the key to the door and rushed out only to found out they have been taken away. Both of them. Two soldiers in hazmat suits was carrying them. The kids was tranquilized. That's why they were quiet. I was devastated. I tried to run after them. But the military personnel shot me with a tranquilizer. My world began to darken. The last thing I saw was my sister in the arms of a man in research suit. I knew I wouldn't see her again. 
          (Then I woke up realizing that this was all a dream. I went to check on my sister. She's sleeping in her room. I went back to my room. Relieved.)
          If anyone want to make this into a story just pm me. I want to read it.


My mom loves to gossips about me to people. Even simple things.
          For example: “My daughter don't know to make drinks. She always asks how much sugar you want how much tea or coffee? Why can't my daughter be like yours.”
          My reason is I prefer water and my tongue is very sensitive to certain taste. When I drink tea I only put two spoon of sugar since I like it a bit bitter. She loves instant coffee and sweet drinks. I don't like drinks that are too sweet(I like sweets things but not my drinks). Too sweet for me is not enough sugar for her.