It's been really hard to find the motivation to update when there is no interaction with the books. I understand building an audience for a new book, but with the Giovanni/Drew series, I am used to reading comments and such.


It's been really hard to find the motivation to update when there is no interaction with the books. I understand building an audience for a new book, but with the Giovanni/Drew series, I am used to reading comments and such.


I hope you all (those still reading) have enjoyed the Giovanni update.
           I have been working on a new book (not Giovanni/Drew related) and I am also back to working on The Collector. I don't really realize that people enjoy the things that I publish. It is also very hard to shake the fact that gaining readers for new stories takes time. I was more than shocked when Conquering Drew blew up the way that it did, and I guess that is the standard that I have set for myself. 
          I will try to remember to focus on sharing my work for the entertainment versus the attention.


@JMar1990 Thank you for all of the support! I have honestly re-read Conquering Drew over and over again and I truly love the piece. I think that there is always room for improvement, but maybe you're right!


@JaeBePETTY :) it might be small but you have your solid crew. Your work is great you should consider publishing conquering drew and becoming amante.


I am still working on Act II of She's Going to Be the Death of Me. My idea is to release them as each entire segment, however, I have more parts in Act II than Act I so I think I will stop torturing you and release them by chapter instead....


I know I talk to myself on here because no one ever responds but I would like some feedback on the new project I am working on (the surprise as mentioned in my last post). 
          Would you rather I post it all at once? Or post chapters and update as often as I can? (hopefully weekly). 
          Would love to hear thoughts (if anyone cares lol)


And what story are you referring to? The rewrite to my old book? 


Thank you! Well I removed it because as I was writing it, it felt as if some of the scenes were the similar to my other stories. It didn’t feel as if I was able to do something a little more original.


@JaeBePETTY I like your new story, but what happened to the collector. That had a great start to it and move to get to the end.


Sooooooo I have found my OLD stories from high school that I unpublished. I am currently re-working them and I plan to republish after I get over the cringe. I didn't realize that so many people enjoyed these stories, I was embarrassed by them. I also may have a surprise planned for you all. Stay tuned!


So if you’re wondering why I haven’t finished Becoming Amantè, it’s because: 1) I had an entire epilogue written out and then ACCIDENTALLY deleted it so it took awhile to get the motivation, inspiration, and memory to re-write it; and 2) I started law school this past August and it’s safe to say that I hate reading and writing now . But I promise to have the epilogue completed this summer. I appreciate the support but I think I am done with Drew and Giovanni. I am planning a new book unrelated to any of the characters from Conquering Drew and Becoming Amantè


You are an amazing writer! Keep writing! I like how you craft your plot with ease...also another reason why I like your style of writing is that you write realistic aspects and close to life as if documenting someone's life instance...please do write more books...Eagerly waiting for your work sections on wattpad to increase from 2 to many.


OMG JUST SEEING THIS! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! I’ve finally gotten some more inspiration and you can expect a new book soon!