
It's Wonu's birthday 


Just discover the original version of Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus and i'm balling my eyes out for an hour right now. 
          You came in like a wrecking ball
          You never hit so hard in love
          All you wanted was to break my wall
          All you ever did was wreck me


@JaeYongisLYFE from what i know its bcs of liam Hemsworth when they broke up she released that song


New story is cooking! 
          Title: Under the Red Cloak
          Couple: NCT JohnTen
          Synopsis: Ten was on his way to visit his grandma when he encountered the Big "Bad" Wolf. 
          This is an adaptation based on Little Red Riding Hood but with a twist. I feel like the story this time gonna be short because there's not much to elaborate from the original one itself. But I'm cute so... 


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My first story that i posted here was horror. So i'm thinking about writing another one. So, i watch a few horror movies to find inspiration. But, i realized that most of horror movies, always related to religious. I hated it more when the ending was exorcised the demons and it's gone and they lived happily ever after. In my opinion, it's not that easy (i know, i witnessed people got possessed in front of me). 
          Anyway, any idea? I don't want the 'fall in love with the ghost' kinda story. You cannot fuck a ghost. I know, i tried. 


@7teen24 i already write "Libido NCT Jaeyong". So i want to write something else since it's gonna be jaeyong for the new story. Cannot have the same couple with same storyline


@JaeYongisLYFE If you can make about incubus ? Or demons ? 


@JaeYongisLYFE Really? Have you watched the TV show called Supernatural? It's one of my favourites and many of the episodes are about horror/urban legends. Even if you haven't watched it, you could get heaps of story inspiration just by reading the episode summaries.


Just two business partners with no intention of rubbing their dicks together


@JaeYongisLYFE A very important psa indeed.