So, hi guys. That last rant I had was a lil over the top. Idk if it was that time of the month or if I was just frustrated, but I'm back. I was on hiatus from wattpad for what seems like forever because I just recently moved (Clapping and horrays in background) So I really wasn't writing while trying to pack and do all of that other stuff, which I feel as if y'all should understand. But, I am back as stated before and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. Because school is basically over, we're quarantined, and now I have peace and quiet for my thoughts and to plan out stories along with a desk to write on now (soon). I know I'm not a big author on here, but I still plan to write my stories as if I am one so that one day, I'll get there. I just want you guys' support. Aight then, I'll see you peeps most likely on Monday. Peace