I’m just gonna say this once. Please use names that fit the setting. If a girl born to a Henry and Marie is named Seraphina or Andromeda and her sister is Emma then what are you trying to say?
I’m just gonna say this once. Please use names that fit the setting. If a girl born to a Henry and Marie is named Seraphina or Andromeda and her sister is Emma then what are you trying to say?
Well...It's been a little more than two years since I last updated one of my books. My interests have shifted and I've finally decided to start writing again! I cringe when I read my past work, it truly is horrific. So I hope you'll find that my writing has become better (once I actually finish and publish the first chapter). Love you all, even tho many of you probably don't even remember you followed me xx
If you love romance, this is the story for you! I've had this story on my mind for years, and I've finally started to get it down on paper (almost). It's a story about romance, when the love is ended to soon for comfort and leaves you with a broken heart that will sooner or later kill you. Love, Bella https://www.wattpad.com/story/123135074
Hey love! I hope you're great! *-* If not, just click my message button duh, I don't judge or..bite ya know.
I was wondering if you wanna check out my book " Mr. Ego" . Its worth a read according to my readers. Vote and leave a few comments. Thank you!