
Here a lil spoiler for SBG fanfic and my TikTok! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZNdJaWUt3/


Hello to mah loves ❤️
          I slowly start to try continue the SBG fanfic (WOW it’s gotten many reads) but the problem is that the season 3 will be in a few months so I wanna stay as much as possible by the original story so we will wait and see. 
          And what do you want as next story ? 
          Write below!! 
          Or maybe some fan art? ️


Are you still working on shared trauma?


Oh, there’s no rush! I totally understand how busy you can be. Take your t8me I’m just curious.


@MikanFan11037 yes I do! I’m sorry tho for the long wait but I try my best to update as often as I can!


Hello dear readers!
          Right now I'm working on several stories as you might noticed. I want you to know, if you read sgb fanfiction, I will wait with writing, until i read the new chapters so I can imagine where the story can go. 
          For the Avatar fanfiction, I'm sorry I didn't posted for long, But I will try to concentrate on that also. I will try to do  long chapters so a chapter per month. Maybe if I'm motivated enought, you will get more.
          I write also the Harry Potter fantic, which you will have to wait. I write it on word rn, because I want to do  it as a book (not to sale sorry). 
          Anyways lovies I love yall thank you for support <3 
          Love Nabi//Ann


Ah and I have school, what means I don't have much freedoom