
          	Been a min. I've accidentally started writing three books at once lol. One idea split into two and it just didn't fit or flow right all in one book so I decided to split it up. Book #3 is a completely different world/concept. So keep your eyes peeled for what comes out next.
          	For now I'm just going to start with one book. My newest book is called 'Memory of Me' (Name might change later. We will see how the book finishes and how I feel.) 
          	I have a handful of chapters done and ideas for the others so I'm going to just start releasing chapters on Sundays. (I know it's currently sat 3/01/25. I will be giving you guys chapter 2 tomorrow) Also I published a few chapters months ago but took them down and did a deep edit. So if this book looks a little familiar in the beginning that's why. :p
          	I hope you enjoy what I've written so far! 
          	 I hope you are having a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3


          Been a min. I've accidentally started writing three books at once lol. One idea split into two and it just didn't fit or flow right all in one book so I decided to split it up. Book #3 is a completely different world/concept. So keep your eyes peeled for what comes out next.
          For now I'm just going to start with one book. My newest book is called 'Memory of Me' (Name might change later. We will see how the book finishes and how I feel.) 
          I have a handful of chapters done and ideas for the others so I'm going to just start releasing chapters on Sundays. (I know it's currently sat 3/01/25. I will be giving you guys chapter 2 tomorrow) Also I published a few chapters months ago but took them down and did a deep edit. So if this book looks a little familiar in the beginning that's why. :p
          I hope you enjoy what I've written so far! 
           I hope you are having a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3


Hey guys, 
          I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to those of y'all who have read my BKDK Soulmate story. It currently has 1.6K reads and that might not be a lot to some people but it's a lot to me and it means so much. I'm glad so many of you have liked my story and if I ever write more for Deku and Bakugo you guys will be the first to know! 
          Thank you again, so much! 
           I hope you are having a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3


Hey, so as of yesterday Misery & Fate has been finished and all published. I hope you enjoyed the book and how it ended. 
          I am going to update & edit Finding you and will be updating and finishing Nothings perfect within the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled. As always I hope you enjoy what I have written. 
           I hope you are having a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3


Hey, by the end of September ALL of 'Misery & Fate' will be published! I had so much fun writing this book. It was a little out of my comfort zone and I really wanted to push myself. 
          As always I am trying to work on new books as they come to me. And as always I am trying to figure out how to end 'Nothings Perfect' and if you've been sticking it out and waiting for an update on that story I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I am trying really hard to make the book come to the perfect close without feeling too cheesy or rushed! Stay strong and keep your eyes open. 
          I plan to go back after edit my very first story 'Finding You' as I wrote that at 16-17 and I know I can do certain parts better! So I'll update you guys soon and I hope you like what I have written! 
          (If you want to send me story/bonus chapters ideas/story lines for any of my current FULLY published books(9/08/24) let me know. If I decide to write out your idea I'll message you before I publish it so you can read it first and of course tag you so everyone knows who the brainiac is cause it certainly isn't me! ;p) 
           I hope you are having a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3


And I'm late again. Sorry. Chapter 3 of my new book 'Misery & Fate' is out now! I'll get better at  uploading new chapters on Sundays like I originally planned. 
          Hope you enjoy the newest chapter, keep your eyes out for more to come! 
           I hope you are having a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3


Since I've gotten so many kind words and many asking me when chapter two of 'Misery & Fate' will be out I've decided to publish chapter 2 a little early. 
          Thank you to the ones sending me kind/loving words when it comes to my writing. I appreciate it so much. 
          I hope you enjoy the newest chapter! (New chapters will come out every Sunday)
           I hope you are having a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3


Hey guys,
          It's time. The first chapter of my new book 'Misery & Fate' is out now!!!
          I'm sorry for the wait. New chapters will be out every Sunday. 
          Since this book is now finished I'm going to go back and finish writing 'Nothings Perfect' and get the rest of Adym and Tamina's story out.
          Thanks for being patient with me.
          I hope you like the new book. As always, I hope you are having a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3
          (I hope to start writing another book soon! So keep an eye out for what I have to share next.)


Hey guys! 
          How have you been? 
          I just finished another book (first chapter will be out this Sunday!) As for Tamina and Adym's story I have decided to go back through and edit/revise/change some things and hopefully get the last few chapters done and out for y'all. 
          As always if you have any comments or questions I'm here. 
          Until then I hope you have a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3


Just came to a realization that I love starting and writing books but hate trying to end them.  
          Since my last update I've started writing 3 different books. I get 15-20 chapters in and then just stop because I don't know how to end them/I don't want to end them. 
          Which sucks cause I want to get my books out there. I want other people to read them. But I don't want to publish the chapters I have and leave my readers hanging. 
          I was hoping that as I wrote these new books that I would come to some conclusion for 'Nothings Perfect' but nothing has come to mind yet. But I am trying.
          If and when I finish any of my books new chapters will come out every SUNDAY. 
          Until then I hope you have a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3


Hey guys! It's been awhile. 
          I swear my life is never calm and relaxing lol. My husband and I have been looking at a house to buy, we got a new puppy named Scooby Doo(he came with that name). He's a German Shepard, Siberian Husky mix. He's growing so fast I kinda hate it. He's super chill and overall a great puppy! He's so well behaved compared to our other 2 dogs that sometimes my husband and I forget we have 3 dogs! 
          Finding the perfect house or a house my husband and I both love has been really hard, but we've narrowed it down to at least 2 houses! We plan on moving at the end of July(26th,27th) and I'm excited to buy a house with my soulmate but I'm not excited about having to pack and unpack everything. 
          What do you love or hate about moving?! Lmk down below! 
          On another note I've decided to start a new book. I got 1 chapter done so far and am excited to see how far this story will go. I know I should and need to finish 'Nothings Perfect' but I'm still not sure how I want Adym and Tamina's story to end. I'm stuck with that story at the moment. But I'm hoping with this new book I'll get some ideas on where & how 'Nothings Perfect' should end.
          Until then I hope you have a great day/evening/night! <3 <3 <3
           I'll update again soon!