
New chapter, woot!


Welp.  It seems that Storyfire has been saved.  Whether it shutting down at all was a lie or something Storyfire is gonna lose most of its people.


@Jaihanus yeah and its hard to ignore when every time you pull up the app. You see a post about this creator having issues. Or this creator not wanting this creator on the platform cause of some speculation. Instead of making posts all over, just report the user and show proof. Let the creators of the app handle it. Unless your a mod or a CEO its not our job to handle any bullying or issues. I will admit they sucked me into it that's just because I spoke out and said that alot of people are getting sick of seeing the posts and that the drama is ruining the app experience. I just speak my mind when something needs to be addressed.


@ZekeSF yeah that's pretty true.  The fact that we constantly had drama killed it a little bit for me.


@Jaihanus I'll keep my profile on the online account but as far as the app I might remove it. Save up space on my phone