
this message may be offensive
I wanna die so bad... fuck..


          	  Why do you wanna die?


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Dear Dylan,
          I love you with all my heart and soul i'm so happy we're starting a life together your my soulmate for sure you mean the world to me baby i don't know where i'd be without you honestly i can't see my future without you in my life without you there's no me i wouldn't be smiling, dancing to random music, singing out of the blue, overall you make me really really fuckin happy and i'm so glad that we're together so much so that i can't stop talking about you to my sister hehe yes i talk about you all the time and to my sis it's annoying as fuck as she would say hehehe oh well she won't understand what we have hehe i love you baby so fuckin much i can't express how much i love you.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
          Sincerely your fiance,
          Ashley Jackson (aka) babygirl hehe❤❤❤❤


Dear Dylan, 
          Your the only one for me i now know what love is because of you i hope we're together forever me and you my love your my heart and soul my everything you mean the world to me. ❤❤
          Sincerely your soon to be wife,
          Ashley (aka babygirl) ❤


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Dear Dylan,
          You mean the world to me over a year we've known each other and just recently got engaged your the love of my life i feel happy every time that i'm around you, you make me laugh, giggle, smile, dance and even sing which i never do lol but you baby you do those things to me you mean so much to me i have no clue where i would be without you. You give me hope a reason to keep breathing a reason to keep coming on here to talk to you because you mean everything to me without you i'd still be lost and depressed a girl that nobody would want but you you changed me and i thank you so very much for making me yours my love. I love you Dylan so fucking much.
          Your soon to be wife,
          Ashley Jackson ❤




@Maralin_queen yeah this is him -Ashley


that one ??