Haven't been around or writing. Sorry. Was tied up, marrying my wife. 11 years, and it finally became legal here in my great state. Thanks for bearing with me, those of you that are.
Haven't been around or writing. Sorry. Was tied up, marrying my wife. 11 years, and it finally became legal here in my great state. Thanks for bearing with me, those of you that are.
I just wanted to let you know how much I really enjoy your writing.. I have readied all of your work and can't wait to see what happen. I think you have I great mind that works in awesome way.. So I believe you will do awesome thing.. :)
@bluesky743 Aww. That is so sweet of you to say. I'm glad you have enjoyed what I write. I have a lot more to come so please continue to read. I appreciate your kind words. p.s. I love you.