
Happy Wednesday! 
          	Last night, I put together a synopsis for a story that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, inspired by a few shows that I basically lived off of in the beginning of quarantine. 
          	I’ll be posting the story cover and synopsis later today. Please let me know what you think about it! I would really appreciate good feedback. 
          	Thank you! 
          	 - Jakkie


Happy Wednesday! 
          Last night, I put together a synopsis for a story that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, inspired by a few shows that I basically lived off of in the beginning of quarantine. 
          I’ll be posting the story cover and synopsis later today. Please let me know what you think about it! I would really appreciate good feedback. 
          Thank you! 
           - Jakkie


As of today, July 1st, I have decided to discontinue “Normal”. I may come back to it in the furrier, but it has been hard for me to find enough passion to continue it in the last few months, despite my love for it. I had many ideas and characters planned out, but I can’t continue on with something that isn’t working anymore. So, I’m leaving the story behind. I’m kind of sad about it, because it’s the first story I’ve actually been passionate about and put a lot of time in, but it’s time to move on. Thank you to those who have read the story so far and voted. You will not go unappreciated. I will leave the story up, but obviously no new chapters will be put up. If I feel better about it in the future, maybe I’ll rewrite with a whole new story. I’ll still keep up the old story, though. For now, to better things! 


Haven’t posted in a while for “Normal”— so sorry!!! Just waiting until my writing slump passes. Not going to lie, I’m looking for ways to continue. May have to do some editing, or even unpublish and start over. I haven’t decided yet. What do you guys think? Do you like how it’s going so far? Or does it need more work? Let me know.