
Hey guys!


@Jakeyinnit  Hello Jakey :] 


I’m sorry but YouTube just gave me one of the most hurtful ads ever for Minecraft players and it hurt so much it was so curse I’m going to cry


Oh boi. And it probably wasn't even there own original stuff. I only like adds that enclude Minecraft if it's from Mojang.


@Your-Angel-of-Love @Dark_Steve23
            It was really just cursed Minecraft, like they were just doing things Wrong or just made a curse


Sooo for any MCYT fans (Pacifically Dream smp) I’m making a new AU called 
          Dream Smp My monster Family AU 
          (On Tumblr)
          Its where everyone are different types of Monsters or hybrid, everyone except for Tommy. 
          If you want to see what each character is go check it out 
          (My Blog name is JSammyinnit)


            I I actually think this is cool


            I don't watch Dream SMP but I have this AU idea after I watched an MCTY Rolling Girl parody(yes I cried) where basically, in the minecraft world currently inhabited by the Dream SMP crew actually has proper communities of players and the MCYTs of the community's golden age were past heros and by now are scattered around the world, having settled into different lives
            'Heroes' in their world basically the really popular youtubers here, but there, they've earned their titles because of their amazing skills at certain areas(this world's equivalent of our MCYT golden age had an abundance of these heroes and where also some of the first)
            And since the MCYT is multi-generational thing, heroes in their world would also rise and fall, some lasting longer than others
            There was a time in this world where there was a lack of heroes(their equivalent of 2017 and 2018 for the MCTY community), until Dream and his squad came along and gave the hero community a revival
            If this AU had a plot, I bet it'd involve some ancient evil rising so Dream and the gang go find these heroes to help them fight this thing. But of course since their hero days are from an age past, drama also ensues(I bet we'll get the most drama from Seto lmao)
            Idk, sorry if this is confusing and generic as f-ck, I've just wanted to rant this out for a while lol