@Jalarmie2015Lyles ♥ Why thank you :D you're very sweet :)
If you want some read suggestions, I'd be happy to give some :3
I'm going to proofread now and upload a new chapter to Millennium =^_^=
@Shimaira it's no problem I was just thinking maybe I could get you guys more followers reading your books and things. I'm lucky to have stumbled upon the lecter series and have a love for horror and Gore. your books appeal to my taste a lot so I thank you! although I read all types of books.
@Jalarmie2015Lyles Thanks dear <3 it's just a few chapters until finished :D so if you don't read too fast perhaps I'll be able to finish it before you reach the end ;)
hey it's no problem. I really. like several of your books and I was thinking. to myself better follow so I don't get left. behind. thanks. for the lecter series. lol. any plans on the my Lord book?
@Jalarmie2015Lyles I almost didn't see your reply, be sure to include an @username in a reply, or to click on [reply] so people receive a notification :)
And thank you very much :D I'm going to continue My Lord after I finish Millennium :)