Dear author
I absolutely loved your piece of writing Kalico and NiS programme book. I realised many of doubts regarding phenomenon of Hypnosis itself. I hope I can get answers(to comments I have posted within book Kalico 1) sometime in future but I also gained a whole new level of understanding of how consciousness, mind and hypnosis work. This is stunning piece of work which kept me engaged for a long time and even made me do searches on net a lot of times to get better understanding of Hypnosis concept. I have never gained such a strong surge to read about something in years(despite being in field of Science and my recently lack of interest in almost everything) So first
Second I hope you would answer some of my Q's in novel or answer back to this comment because I am simply a big fan of yours or you would listen to this fan's request to keep this story posted for years because I wish to read it again and again or refer to others interested to read it and if that is not possible then can I get a copy of your books for my own reading(note this is absolutely no trick to get your work illegally published under me) Pretty Please.
Also in my excitement, I pretty much filled your entire story with commentary and my comments because I just couldn't stop myself but I am proud of one thing that most likely more than half of comments or probably person with most comments and praise on your story will remain me for a long time
Thanks a lot for story. I hope you would not get angry at any of my comments. Sorry for it.