
So... I may or may not be ashamed of the embarrassing things I have said on my account and in my previous stories. That's why (if you're wondering) I have made most of my stories private. My new account is @strawberryjam29 and I will try to rewrite "This Second Life" over there.
          	If you have any questions please only ask them on this post or on the announcement chapter I will put on "This Second Life" in the near future.
          	See you in a couple months or so when I restart that story


So... I may or may not be ashamed of the embarrassing things I have said on my account and in my previous stories. That's why (if you're wondering) I have made most of my stories private. My new account is @strawberryjam29 and I will try to rewrite "This Second Life" over there.
          If you have any questions please only ask them on this post or on the announcement chapter I will put on "This Second Life" in the near future.
          See you in a couple months or so when I restart that story


I don't know... Would the school for good and evil work? Cause there are many scenes that fit, like in the second book chapter 24 there's some good stuff in that last chapter. And in book 3 chapter 2, book 3 when Agatha says to Tedros' face " I don't want to be your queen", book3 pages 434 and 435, and when they both almost die before Sophie destroys Rafal... Hope that would help! If you don't want to do that, it's fine.


@booklovers2007 I just want to use another scene 'cause I'm already planning to use lots of parts from the actual book so I can't really use those. Sorry! 


Hey there! In case you have any requests for SGE One Shots Book 1, kindly inform me! Thanks!


Oh okay. That's a little complicated though. I'll try my best :)


@AnonymousWriter37 How about an AU where Tedros and Agatha signed up for online dating but you cant see the picture or name of the person and there they meet and become friends but in real life Agatha and Tedros have been friends for a long time and they have a small crush on each other and then after a while they decide to meet the person they met at the online dating thing and then they're surprised and ya know all that cliché stuff I don't know how to continue... hehe