
Happy Valentines day y'all


So I’ve been thinking about ways to use this book and I plan to remake of my great spiderverse book so I’ve decided where I make a Wattpad Spider-Verse book but it would be my oc going to different universes of Wattpad Spiderman oc and trying to save them so if you want to make an oc or use an oc existing oc here’s where to do it…
          @Omnipotent6116 @BWolf2 @SonicKev101 @1986renameriweather @QuocNgoChan @AngbrineThe2nd @DarkotheMapper @Jmceiz02 @zFireStudios @95nicholasnm @Kaossquad @Angbrine @bayouhero @sechomaru09 @BlitzDiamond @Gwen_dark_jokes @ShiroWhiteWizard @WAMred @Gordkeit @GhostFreak89 @VenomTheBold @LaxfellingV2 @AlexanderWhite7 @Bheywould @Bheywould @DarateWolf @AlexanderWhite7 @AllHailLelouch99 @azko1905 @azko1905 @LucasW3 @card728 @Xx_Nova_Ghost @MostafaElawady3 @MarceloRRERuiz @SparkyZero24 @Mariosxspaget @galaxyfoxgalaxy @AkiraTigerMask @JoshuaJacobs7 @BoogBryant115 @So483ksmg4 @DiscordinatedChaos @Seanchow806 @Buffoonery5 @Juggernaut_Infected @JuanDeleon250 @JuanDeleon198 @MagdalenaF148 @515231z @TheBatWithTheGat @spinalceasar @card728 @helen5788 @Aubrie823 @livthebloodywolf @AlexChristopherAfton @user72034577 @emytheslay @ryanzacharko14gmailc @Enzostarlight07 @madknightdeem @kai4474 @krackhore @Aces_Fist @AmandeepGill7 @Haraclov_14 @Wayan_nyx @NTHNIGHTFURY @Spirit365 @Dukeamus_Prime @moonchild4everyoung @Silas443 @ender3073 @AvenLostaunau @DSanchez876 @BLUEMIYA 


@JameelJames4 i want to try like a teal green or grass green.


@moonchild4everyoung what colors do want on the spidersona


Greetings! How are you? I wanted to ask if you were interested in religion/history related books. If so, i can advice you the book i shared on the link. Its about the life of Prophet Muhammad. The last Prophet of God who brought us the last holy book 'Quran', a book gifted by our God to us as a divine guide, with the promise from Allah that it will never be altered, not even a single word of it. I will be very happy if you give it a chance and have a look at it. If you are not into İslam, the writer has Christian books too if you like. And also really sorry if i disturbed you with this message.