@EthanFelixRomanov Okay, mind you; for me to truly be free to go into this; I'd have to get some data from *you*, namely what you're trying to advocate for regarding this piece... it could be very good in its argument, or very wicked, depending entirely on what you're arguing for/against., and trying to accomplish via this tale of rightly prohibited love.
I'm not against social commentaries that address this kind of thing: go too far in that general direction, and you've ipso-facto got problems with the Bard's "Romeo and Juliet" tale on principle- nor with addressing such things as how such desires of the heart can really mess up people who've got them; nor even stumbling on my opponent's propaganda in this kind of culture war and taking it as their views to analyze, but I want to pick your brains on the issue of what you set out to say and accomplish via these types of works of yours.
I thank you in the meantime for this invite.