So. I made a new blog on Tumblr called storysteia and guess what there is gonna be a pewdiecry-ish fic in there soon so if you want to read it check the blog in like a week or sooner.
More updates will be coming to the following stories; Above or Under, Death Mt. (<- Mostly this one), Play it Backwards, & 12:00 Floods.
But that's because of NANOWRIMO. No promises after November.
@famdog I am, you just gotta give me some time. I've been working on my originals lately, plus I have school goin' on now so I don't have as much time as I used too.
Who wants a possible narumitsu/mitsunaru [Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth if you don't know] fic
Even tho I don't have one planned, I just want to see if anyone wants one