Hello guys! I havent been on here in a while and I just realized that Kinky Roomates was removed for violations of guidlines the first few chapters of the fanfic I had saved on a google doc but the later ones I did not. When I have the time I will upload them on Ao3 but untill then please be patient. I'm sorry for being gone for so long this year has been so hectic.

@JamieLovesBl it was my favorite fan fic despite being incomplete, i still can't get over the story line and am desperate for closure, been checking this acc and ao3 religiously, please don't give up on it , good luck with everything

I'm so sorry to hear you lost work due to the AI Purge. In case you hadn't heard yet...there is a second round of content guideline changes coming on the 15th which will affect even more FFs. So backup ALL your works to your drive--even ones you don't think will be a problem, because the AI has already taken down works it shouldn't have from the April 2nd updates. It's good you're already on AO3! Many folks are now on the wait list.