
Nothing like a Tropical storm to get you in the writing mood. 
          	Fr tho. Hurricane season is upon us and I couldn’t be happier!!!


Stop I looked at the score for Sinner v Medvedev and it isn’t great, but I was gonna say “At least Carlos is winning!” 
          And then freaking Tommy Paul broke back so actually nothing is just in this cruel world <3 :)


Update: SO glad I didn’t watch! Just the score was enough to emotionally wreck me! If I was watching I don’t even know man…


Born to stay home and watch Sinner Vs. Medvedev 
          Forced to babysit and listen to my little cousins sing baby shark


@LeafCake I stand in solidarity with you my brother. My cousin’s weapon of choice is Ryan’s World and Spidey’s Amazing Friends, but I am familiar with Paw Patrol as well, unfortunately


@JanWed_XmasJun  Born to go to a bar and watch France vs Spain 
            Forced to stay home and babysit my little nephew who watches nothing but Paw Patrol brainrot


Why tf is there so much shipping discourse online? 
          Like in some corners of the internet (*cough* Reddit *cough*) saying “omg [celebrity] and [other celebrity] seem like good friends!” Will get you thirty replies telling you to go bluetooth bungee jumping bc there was one interview from 2011 where they said they didn’t know each other too well.
          And then in others, you could say “yeah I don’t really care for [a] x [b] I prefer [a] x [c] :)” and people will call you homophobic even if you’re lgbt because [a] and [b] are men and [c] is a woman.
          I get being mad at the world, but like, why are we taking our anger out on this??? And I ain’t even gonna bring up the rpf debate or the proshipping thing.
          Sorry had to rant lol


Yeah for real, though. 
            Like, just because i dont agree on a fan favorite gay couple ship doesn’t mean im homophobic. I just prefer a different ship or just no ship for them in general.


@JanWed_XmasJun I hate being called a homophobe when I don't ship two men together WHEN IT WOULD BE INSANELY TOXIC (this is way too common in anime) like just because you like het ship doesn't make you a homophobe


Something interesting. I am a very slow reader. Even relatively short books (300 pages ish) take me a week, sometimes 2 or 3, to finish. 
          But yesterday, I read a 150,000 word fic in one sitting. 
          Apparently, that’s equivalent to about 300 pages. 
          I did that in ONE DAY.