
Death Note Headcanon #1
          	Watari can’t say no to children. 
          	I mean have you seen the Wammy’s kids? Who the hell do you think bought N the entire stock of ToysRUs? Or M half a million chocolate bars? I swear Matt was probably smoking at fourteen because W is incapable of disciplining children. For god’s sake he invented a human washing machine and L would stay awake for five days straight as a kid.
          	And the best part is that W probably scolded himself for a long time in the earlier years like “I really shouldn’t be doing this, it isn’t healthy for children to act like this”, but then as soon as L or the others gave him puppy eyes, he’d buckle instantly. He seems like he has former special training with the military, but no matter what intimidating stuff he used to do, it’s obvious that he has the will strength of a wet tissue around children. You know, L might’ve given him the big eyes so much as a child that now his eyes are permanently like that lol. And even if Watari did try to say no, you know L would find a way to do it anyways behind his back.
          	How long do you think it was before he’d convinced W to let him have cake for breakfast every day? I’d give it a week, tops. The way he treated L almost makes you think Watari used to have a son he never got much time with that died, and so he just pours his regret into doing literally anything for L. Watari has grandparent energy but on steroids. 
          	Why do you think the Wammy’s boys have childish tendencies?? It’s because Watari and Roger never taught them how not to be children. L is childish, B is very childish, Mello is definitely childish, Near can be childish to the extent that he’s childlike into his twenties — he’s so childish that he’s codependent — they’re children that were never taught to adult. Their social skills are all over the place too. It’s actually a miracle that L is as well adjusted as he is, honestly. 
          	Do not trust Watari with your kids, they’ll bulldoze him in a heartbeat, maybe five minutes tops.


Death Note Headcanon #1
          Watari can’t say no to children. 
          I mean have you seen the Wammy’s kids? Who the hell do you think bought N the entire stock of ToysRUs? Or M half a million chocolate bars? I swear Matt was probably smoking at fourteen because W is incapable of disciplining children. For god’s sake he invented a human washing machine and L would stay awake for five days straight as a kid.
          And the best part is that W probably scolded himself for a long time in the earlier years like “I really shouldn’t be doing this, it isn’t healthy for children to act like this”, but then as soon as L or the others gave him puppy eyes, he’d buckle instantly. He seems like he has former special training with the military, but no matter what intimidating stuff he used to do, it’s obvious that he has the will strength of a wet tissue around children. You know, L might’ve given him the big eyes so much as a child that now his eyes are permanently like that lol. And even if Watari did try to say no, you know L would find a way to do it anyways behind his back.
          How long do you think it was before he’d convinced W to let him have cake for breakfast every day? I’d give it a week, tops. The way he treated L almost makes you think Watari used to have a son he never got much time with that died, and so he just pours his regret into doing literally anything for L. Watari has grandparent energy but on steroids. 
          Why do you think the Wammy’s boys have childish tendencies?? It’s because Watari and Roger never taught them how not to be children. L is childish, B is very childish, Mello is definitely childish, Near can be childish to the extent that he’s childlike into his twenties — he’s so childish that he’s codependent — they’re children that were never taught to adult. Their social skills are all over the place too. It’s actually a miracle that L is as well adjusted as he is, honestly. 
          Do not trust Watari with your kids, they’ll bulldoze him in a heartbeat, maybe five minutes tops.