I am JanaeDoe, who might you be?

I like to write, it releases emotion and sometimes helps me vent about real-life experience, especially if I feel it's something I can't talk to anyone else about. I write Urban Fiction. It's real, relatable and personal. I love it when people can relate to my characters, and feel how they feel, when my characters cry, I want my audience to cry. If I can't achieve that, I clearly need to revise my work.

Constructive criticism is always welcome. I only have a problem with rude and ignorant assholes who choose to be disrespectful to me and/or my writing. There's always a nice way to say something, and trust me, I won't hesitate to blast your ass if you try and get live.

Random Things

I hate when people tell me I 'talk white' I speak like an educated young lady and I am proud of my extensive vocabulary.

Don't tell me I cuss too much. There is a time and place for everything and I cuss when it's appropriate. If you have a problem with profanity, you probably shouldn't read Urban Fiction. Just sayin'.

TTFN -- Ta Ta For Now!

  • The Hood
  • JoinedApril 14, 2013