
this message may be offensive
Hi  so um... remember when i mentioned that i was going for a hiatus before publishing chapters? Well, the thing is during the time i took a break i had a lot of time to think and i have decided to once again discontinue my book, recently i have lacked inspiration to even continue the book. I had so many plans for it yet i just don't find myself having the energy to actually fulfill those plans without it turning into shit, so i have decided to discontinue. Sorry guys if i have disappointed any of you, i just don't see anything else that would drive me to actually finish it. I'm so sorry.


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Hi  so um... remember when i mentioned that i was going for a hiatus before publishing chapters? Well, the thing is during the time i took a break i had a lot of time to think and i have decided to once again discontinue my book, recently i have lacked inspiration to even continue the book. I had so many plans for it yet i just don't find myself having the energy to actually fulfill those plans without it turning into shit, so i have decided to discontinue. Sorry guys if i have disappointed any of you, i just don't see anything else that would drive me to actually finish it. I'm so sorry.


Just reached 1.01k reads on a book i haven't updated in months  thank you guys still though, for giving it a read and hopefully supporting it. I promise that when i come back, updates will be coming  again thank you guys so much


Hi guys... quick update, i've been finding it harder and harder to write recently and edit my chapters, so i just wanted to announce that i may be taking a whole lot of mental rest from now till maybe December(?) since school has also been not that too kind on me and i wouldn't want to publish and write just for the sake of putting on more chapters in my book. So yeah... i'll be going on a hiatus from this october to possible december or january next year, just to get myself straight. But i promise that i will write and publish and edit as soon as i can find myself to, hope you guys understand. 


Hi guys!!! I apologize for my recent irregular updates, thing is i'm kinda lost on where the story is going so i'm trying to organize myself and think more of how the story should continue and infortunately that means irregular updates from now on, hopefully not forever but just for this little while. Thank you guys so much for supporting the book and giving it a chance. I hope you guys are patient enough to wait on the story.
          If you guys have any suggestions in how you may want the story to progress, i'd be happy to keep your suggestions in mind :)
          Again thank you guys for understanding.


I'm sorry, really i am... but i've just recently moved to a new house and i can't update until i have a stable source of internet, which i don't atm and it sucks because i hate using data since my phone eats it all up and i can't upload if it does. So please be patient, but don't worry i'm still writing so this is no lame excuse from me abandoning the book


Hi guys, sorry i haven't updated for almost 2 weeks, and i know that sucks, i really do feel bad. But don't worry i will update real soon, just had to sort out a few more things with the chapters and other personal things. But i WILL update soon, thank you for understanding. (And also thank you for 100+ reads!)


Hi guys, apologies but the update will be late since i don't feel too well and there are just a few things i want to sort before publishing, but nonetheless i will publish just not now. I don't know when but keep in tune for a notif. I'll just take a break for probably three days or two, depends