
We're not dead. Just dead inside


Hey Jane! How r u ? Long time no chat I was literally hoping if you could tell me how to make my work known. Thanks and sorry to come to you like this. But I seriously need help 


@Wave1989 I wish I could help, but I also struggle getting my work known (as evident that my story only has 400 reads and most of them are from me proof reading:(    ) I think it helps if you have a strong social media following (which i dont) to advertise on. As well as grinding out critiques for people (as payment is often in the form of review for review) so that nets you a couple more reads and possibly a fan or two. All in all, unfortunately, people here take the number of reads/votes to mean that a story is good so they ignore a story with 100 reads in favor of a story that has 1,000+. If you can grind until you reach over a thousand reads, then it becomes easier to net more reads. But its really a grindint process.


Ok this is annoying me today. My app wont let me follow anyone today :( im sorry to those i have "unfollowed". I will follow everyone back as soon as i get to an actual computer (which may be tomorrow) this is not permanent.


Ok, everyone, please ignore any notifications with me following you mutliple times. My app is messing up my following list and i am trying to resolve it. I will follow all my followers as always. Im sorry if this is confusing people.


Im sorry for those who want us to read your stories, unfortunately we cant. We are busy in school--too busy to even update our own stories. Also we have a critiquing service, and we accept requests throught that (not without payment). So again, I am sorry but we cant read any books of late outside of our service.