
          	Avery Dragomir is at doubt. Thoughts hunt her alongside doubts and she searches answers, where she cannot find them - in her memories. Yet even though she comes to have hope in asking Farnham, she comes only closer to the truth in realizing, she's being observed by her own mind - or is it by someone truly? 
          	The new part, MEMORIES OF OLD AND NEW, in DRAGOMIR has now been posted. It is a little bit of chapter, to tell you what happened after the battles and troubles of the Seat of Divine. It is in that part, that you know more about Noe, Orion and Avery's past and doubts, for you follow her mind and her thoughts - her memories. 
          	Thank you for reading the other parts and have fun with this one.


          Avery Dragomir is at doubt. Thoughts hunt her alongside doubts and she searches answers, where she cannot find them - in her memories. Yet even though she comes to have hope in asking Farnham, she comes only closer to the truth in realizing, she's being observed by her own mind - or is it by someone truly? 
          The new part, MEMORIES OF OLD AND NEW, in DRAGOMIR has now been posted. It is a little bit of chapter, to tell you what happened after the battles and troubles of the Seat of Divine. It is in that part, that you know more about Noe, Orion and Avery's past and doubts, for you follow her mind and her thoughts - her memories. 
          Thank you for reading the other parts and have fun with this one.


Good day! 
          A new part, BEWARE THE MUTINY of DRAGOMIR is online. 
          It is in that chapter, that we finally see and hear, what rumors crawled their way through the troops. Not much can be done, where the seed had begun to sprout.  Only see they can, to what danger it had grown to and what it did to the mind of one, who has power over so many. 
          Have a good read.


          The new chapter of DRAGOMIR has been launched: THE AMBUSH
          In this chapter you'll get to know Noe Anderson a little more, get a first snippet of that, what Dr. Rutherford had mentioned back in Fort Adreliron.
          It is in that chapter, that Avery's voices once again show up, in a way that was thus far unknown to her. Yet nothing can change the fact, that in the shadows people - of blood and skin - came to hide with one goal. 
          It's a slow chapter, once again (and admittingly, once, the book is done, I might bind some of the Seat of Divine chapters together and cut them a little, so as to get this story part shorter). Orginally, most of the chapters I'd uploaded thus far, had been used to be together. Thus far I'm usually sharing the chapters in two parts - into two chapters, to make them shorter. 
          Nonetheless it's a short one, it does give some important first insights into the world of Alconia and its history. With that, I wish you a wonderful read. Next part will come next Thursday. 
          Wishing you a good read,


Good morning!
          New chapter in DRAGOMIR coming tomorrow: The Ambush
          In this chapter you'll get to know Noe a little better and learn, along him, from Avery, some insights of Alconia. Yet not all is calm. Some whispers occur, while in the shadows there might be something hidden. 
          Wishing you nice read,


Good day! 
          It's time! THE HUNT IN THE VALLEYS, the new part of DRAGOMIR, is out now! 
          In this part everything runs a little bit slower. You get to see some more work the snow patriots have to do - the cleaning of the valleys in the Seat of Divine, hoping to press the enemies further back into the southern lands. 
          Yet, while they do so, Avery comes to find something quite unexpected - and something, which wakes her with thrill of having a little secret to herself and something, that seems like a fun joke to tell Mendel sometime! 
          You also get to know RS Pearson's team, the one, Avery is in. The ones, you'll soon learn much more about in the following chapters. 
          It is the first part where the action is starting only softly. But with every part now, things will change rapidly and will lead us to that, what cannot let go some of the soldiers - for the swamp does not let go so easily. 
          Prepare this chapter to be the last one with a peace of mind, for after this one we shall begin to drop deeper and deeper, where one may begin to feel a slight discomfort...
          Have a great read. 


          In a very spontaneous moment I'd decided to enter the Wattys 2024 with my ongoing story, DRAGOMIR, with the first book THE SWAMP OF MALEDICTUS. 
          It was just meant as a fun thing with the thought "why not?". Well, since it was this spontaneous I didn't read some rules beforehand, where one rule says, that one cannot change the already uploaded parts. Well... I did have some things to fix, I have to say, but have to wait now for the 6th of October I think it has been... If I'd do it, I get disqualified... 
          Oh well.
          Another rule says, I have to pretty much upload a new part weekly. Which means, EACH WEEK A NEW PART. I'm already working on the next one! 
          So, please, when you read DRAGOMIR, please do tell me your ideas and suggestions. I won't be able to fix them right away for a while, but I remember all of them and will get to it the very next moment the date has passed! 
          Wishing you an awesome day and a good read.


@YorkRoss How kind of you! Thank you for these warm words and I'm wishing you a beautiful evening :)


Awesome!!  Yeah, the rules are tough. But this story absolutely deserves to be part of the Wattys!! 


Hej, thank you again for all the comments and votes for my short stories, along with putting them on you reading list!! That is really incredible! Also, I'll  go on reading Swamp of Maledictus story soon, it's been amazing just from the first chapters!


OK, sounds great, there should be some connection since they all play in the same "universe" ;-) Again thanks so much!!


@YorkRoss I really like the idea to connect the books together. It makes the story right away deeper. You find yourself right away searching: What connects the other one, what more information does it give me in this story so I might spot some of the reason, figuring it hopefully somehow out or having the first guesses..! I really like the first chapters and so well written!


Hi, thank you so much for the follow and for putting my story onto your read list :-)


Take your time, I know how difficult it is to squeeze things in sometimes :-)


@YorkRoss  Looking forward to getting to read your story! :)


          Maybe the longest chapter thus far, we take a step away from the swamp, following Avery's track and journey into the world of the war. Yet the swamp is laid aside, never does it truly leave the tracks of those who've seen and heard of the tales in Miriam. The cruel and terrible war of the Seat of Divine lays foundation to what may grow in size.
          This chapter is beginning to venture now into the minds of humans, what may be and may become, for fear is a mighty weapon especially when wielded with hidden knowledge. 
          Yet, little does Avery know, what more haunts in the world - in the shape of men. 
          Have a good read.