this message may be offensive
hellar people, ik most of u won't b reading this but starting from today, my pms are closed, i will not be replying to any of the pms nd any announcements either. let's say m leaving wattpad cuz it's so dry (nd I'd like to focus on my studies now) but I'll b here once in a while to read updates from my favs. I'm very thankful for all the friends I've gotten here nd I'd like apologise to a few. nd lemme tell ya I absolutely LOVED 2020/2021 wattpad era cuz that made me meet new and genuine people. ok so guys each nd everyone of you is a precious little human bean so don't ever feel worthless aright? every single one of you is fucking amazing nd so darn pretty like m jealous actually XD but anywayssss I believe in you guys. and m gon miss yall to bits. Love you all<3 -Jane❤️