No problem. You're very welcome! I am glad that you found this article useful as well.
I also agree! I prefer to follow my own instincts, and what works for me, rather than go by the so-called "suggested advice" by mainstreamists. Besides, as far as writing is concerned, what works for one group, may not work the same for another. I say, follow what you know works for you, and stick with it. Aside from things like editing etc. We all make mistakes from time-to-time. And to allow someone to point out such mistakes and punctuation errors (within reason, taste, class and civilly) constructively, says a lot about a writer's character. In the middle of reading, I've witnessed authors who have went off the deep end on their readers(s) simply for pointing out either a word that needed to be edited, or even some punctuation and missing words. SMH
I also believe if we feel obligated to write and write 'til our fingers fall off every single day, for one reason or another (including those which are trying to please others lest you feel guilty), falls into a category of "choice". However, I feel it could leave us burned out causing some to just walk away altogether, cause the block and worse... lose some much needed inspiration. In turn, can take some away from some of our life obligations. And some people seem to forget, writers are human and have lives (real lives) too.
Stepping away for a few to take a break, is a lot like taking a break from work! Because it is essentially work. Art work. And once we are done with a piece of our art work, we can then step away to admire the fruits of that labor.