
A lot of the stories that are no longer available to read have been listed as unpublished until I can rewrite them and have them up again! :)


Where can I read your other books?


@Yuuki_Crosszeria yeah I read them all. Write more. I really like it.


@Yuuki_Crosszeria I have a link to my fanfic account on my profile :)


I really want to read bathroom quickie and it won't let me because I have to be a fan but I am following you :(


I write on Fanfic.net under the same pen name ^_^ @hughesa570


I am 18 but I don't know if that it is watt pad settings.. I don't know how to change that.. What is the wither website that your books are on? 


I really like your narnia stories c: I honestly thought I was the only one that shipped them together.. c:


@DemonLemonade I can't wait until you write again!! c:


@DemonLemonade Aww, thank you! Im glad you enjoy~ Haha, no, many people ship them together haha ;)


@Jannasaur Hey :) I'm an artist and I get what you mean when you just can't seem to write anything. I'd stare at my pallet and a blank canvas in front of me with an orginal thought but then I think about it and end up wanting to paint something else. I'd end up with so many decisions and I can't decide. My advice to you is: Just go with your original plans/thoughs. Don't over think it. Just ... write :)
          Can you please write another NaruSasu? A long one? One that'll make me fangirl


Hi, thank you so much for your advice. I will definitely try that. Hopefully I will be able to write more NaruSasu fics in the not-so-distant future. Thank you for your message! ^_^


Ahh, it's the follow button now! Only my followers and myself are able to view my x-rated Jackson/Scott fics. If you cant seem to view the stories on here, theyre also on my fanfiction.net account (^_^) I go by Jannasaur on there, too~


I never thought I'd actually have over 1,000 followers who actually read and enjoy the things I've written makes me so happy. But at the same time, I feel incredibly pressured to keep providing you with writing that's just as good as the ones I have currently published online. Yet, for some reason, (as I've stated) I can't seem to write anything that I feel happy about uploading online. 
          Therefore I've made the decision to step away from writing for a while. I'm going to go back to simply enjoying fanfic and stories here on wattpad, as well as other sites I enjoy visiting just so I can get back the feeling I had before getting into writing myself. I won't be gone forever, because in my heart, I know that I truly love to write. To my followers, who I appreciate dearly, I just hope that some of you will still be here when I return. At the same time, I can understand why you'd want to unfollow if you do.
          Thank you for everything, and this isn't a goodbye- you'll see me lurking around~
          Jannasaur xoxo


*IMPORTANT* - PLEASE READ! (this is long, but if you are awaiting updates on any stories/fanfictions, it's important that you read this)
          I feel like I no longer have the desire to write. 
          For a while now I've been struggling when it's come to writing (fanfic and original stories) I have so many ideas in my head of the sort of stories I want to write but no matter how much time I spend in front of the computer screen typing, I can never write something that I personally enjoy. 
          The reason I started writing fanfiction and then original stories, was because I wanted to write something that I would personally have an interest in reading. I had so much fun writing my stories and sharing them online with you guys, and receiving all the positive (as well as all the critical feedback) really made my writing feel appreciated. However, over time, along with the increase in my number of followers here on wattpad, I've felt that my motivation to actually write something has plummeted greatly Which honestly makes me extremely sad.


1,000+ followers... Wow, thank you so much to everyone who has followed me. This means so much to me ^__^ I promise to work hard from now on, and will try my best to update stories and fanfics, as well as bring you new ones. Thank you for all the support!! <3