
Changed my username. When I feel up to it, I'll get my covers, but until then they can stay covered with my old one. :)


Looking at the poetry on Wattpad, I have come to the conclusion that poetry writers here don't understand the "literal image". I didn't either, so I'm no one to judge (seriously, look at my crap on this site), but if you write poetry, don't tell me that you love and feel happy at the sight of a boy. Show me in the language you use as you describe the sight of this boy, the context of the situation or lack thereof.
          That's not to say that lines lacking imagery aren't good, it's just that full poems like that are... boring? It's hard to grasp it because it's just telling what it's about.
          The last thing there is also important for prose, though through scene, not individual words or lines. Just something I felt the need to say. :)


So, I'm attending Interlochen Arts Academy and I'll be writing a lot to add to my Shorts or I'll make a new story called story starts (since that's what we seem to do a lot of), but anything else may not happen for a while. :)
          Anyway, to any writers (both US and otherwise) I recommend Interlochen. Like, seriously.


I WROTE! For two hours straight and half of that was just typing up what's in my writing (stories) notebook and now you have chapter 1 of Assassin up and part of chapter 2 written...
          Would you all hate me if I started rewriting War of People like I've done with Assassin? It'll be the same if I do, but progress differently. I just feel I jumped into it too fast. At least 4 of you tell me if you do or don't and why in a message or something. 


Sooo... quite obviously I haven't put up the next chapter of War of People but I am doing something (http://www.pinterest.com/pin/55098795414708808/) but I write only when I have the URGE to and am not other wise distracted with reading. And my writing process isn't to exciting or fast moving... I quite literally lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling for an hour before I write so I know what I'm doing...
          I've written more of Assassin in it's new form though it's not ready to be revealed yet and I forgot to even look at the War of People since it isn't my favorite to work on but if that's what your waiting for, be patient.


So to the people who have looked at Assassin, I'm changing the title to "Assassin's Escape" because everything past the Prologue simply annoys me. I've only rewritten part of Chapter 1 so far but the storyline is already closer to what I was trying to get so the ending will wrap nicer.
          In other news I will be posting the next chapter of the War of People in about a week. I say about because I am a procrastinator and all timelines should only be taken into partial consideration when waiting for things.