
“In this world a woman's greatest enemy is not man, it is an envious woman.” 
          	Hi! My next dystopian project marks a new era in my work. And it will based around the above message, because honestly, no one can tear down a woman than another woman. 
          	Other than that, stay healthy and I’m always free to chat! 


Hi! You're entered into the Ever After Awards but we can't find your book, Forget Alone, so we'll have to disqualify you. In future, please let hosts know, because you've taken up a place that could've been given to somebody else :)


“In this world a woman's greatest enemy is not man, it is an envious woman.” 
          Hi! My next dystopian project marks a new era in my work. And it will based around the above message, because honestly, no one can tear down a woman than another woman. 
          Other than that, stay healthy and I’m always free to chat! 


Please stay safe and keep your areas clean! I’m a health student and I don’t know how much I can stress to you all to please be extra sanitary! This virus is ridiculously contagious and schools have been shitting down and going online; some workplaces have been interrupted. It’s serious! Please WASH YOUR HANDS FOR AT LEAST 20 SECONDS & avoid touching your face! Please. Just please. I know I don’t have much of a following, my voice is small, but please stay clean and safe! Please! 


@Yamanika_ Yes, especially those type of people. This is not a time to be selfish! People need to be mindful of how this affects others! 


@JanuaryMaye And if you are not doing it for you, please do it for the most fragile ones: senior citizens, children, and people with a chronic condition...


Happy Friday! Another submission for the contest. I doubt either of these will be picked but it’s fun either way! 


@inachiiiiii Honestly. Thank you. I just hope they read one of them at least... the picked part isn’t my biggest concern. Just hoping someone will read it and think it’s interesting. 
            But yeah, speaking about belittling grades... anatomy destroyed me today  