this message may be offensive
oh shit, I just noticed something- so uh, warning this will be talking about rape!!
anyhow, so I've been raped (I'm not getting into details just hear me out) I'll be calling him CP. CP used to give me money, usually twenty bucks and you know, he did shit. The more I think about it the more it seems like he's saying "So if i give you money then touch you it's okay!" and as well as "your body is only worth twenty dollars lmao!! " And mind you he's like 40 or 50 something and I was like, ten. And I'm also going to court at the end of august so wish me luck- I have social anxiety.
Anyhow yeah, I'm annoyed and feel like shit, time for my fucking intrusive thoughts to go "iT's yOur fAulT" "yOu sHoUld jUst diE" "fUckiNg slUt" I hate my thoughts, they are like fucking leeches. Ughhhhr3ihu3riu3rcibyuefc3ri
Okay now I want fucking bobaaaaaa peach teaaaaaaaaaqe1xiu2exihue2dh ;-; my Asian side is kicking up again- oh well-
yeah, that's all. Kill me.