
@thatsjustfunny kkkkkkkk eh bem maneiro mas realmente eu estou com mta saudades do Brasil. 


Talvez eu nao te convenca Jaque...Mas deixa eu lhe apresentar minha obra. 
            Voltada para um olhar critico e reflexivo. O livro tem um desencadear filosofico, com uma maneira de ver as  coisas de forma diferente; de conclusoes que talvez nunca se concluam. Deixe meu livro acrescentar algo a mais na sua vida.  E deixe que a cada instante de vida, seja vivida de sua "melhor" forma. ?????
          " Qual A Sua Verdade?  , de null , no Wattpad http://my.w.tt/UiNb/5toQHEUYmu .


Hey, @Jaquelinepoha I really didn't mean for my comment to offend anyone in anyway. I was only taking  perceiving a part in the story from my point of view and didn't mean for it to sound like I was trying to put someone down because that's the last thing that I would want to do 
          I was just voicing what I thought based on what I have seen around me with certain girls and I didn't mean by anyway mean to offend you or anyone else on what their likes and dislikes so I greatly apologize for my comment coming off that way to you.


 It is fine... Thank you for taking the time to say sorry i know very few people who would ! Again no hard feelings and Im also sorry if I in any way offended you as well! Have a great day xxx