
Hey beautiful!! It's been quite a while since I have posted anything  I'm doing good though. I was wanting to start a story but Idk what to write it about so pls give me some ideas. Also... I would REALLY appreciate it if you would follow all of my socials (they're in my bio). You don't have to though ☺❤


Hey beautiful!! It's been quite a while since I have posted anything  I'm doing good though. I was wanting to start a story but Idk what to write it about so pls give me some ideas. Also... I would REALLY appreciate it if you would follow all of my socials (they're in my bio). You don't have to though ☺❤


My school officially got canceled for the rest of the year Also, yesterday I got some news that three of my cousins have the virus... The girl got it because she's a nurse and then she spread it to her husband and their baby. They just got married and had a baby a year ago and now they all have it The worse thing is, they went to the store to stock up since they are going to be quarantined for 2 weeks, knowing they had the virus already. So please everyone stay safe and wash your hands.


@Jaquix05  hey, im sorry. It just- ya know its already my habit to talk casually with someone. I know all of us are corncerned about our issues today. Im sorry, im not really used to someone who cares for me. But again tho. im sorry.


@NiaJhaneAbrio Lol, "kind of" and "I guess". I was trying to remind you guys to stay safe cause anyone could get it...?


@Jaquix05   That's kind of heart breaking news. Thank you for reminding us i guess? stay safe and your family.


When your cruise gets canceled because of the coronavirus... https://gph.is/1SCKBl5 ... Still going to Miami though so if I die because of this virus, just know I was having a good time. YOLO